Updated as of December 2023

In the evocative series "Immortal Lovers" by Troy Schooneman, the title itself is a poetic double entendre, encapsulating the essence of the collection. Each image is not merely a portrayal of lovers, where living men coexist with their non-human counterparts - be it stone, wooden sculptures, or paintings. It also subtly alludes to an intimate, almost mystical connection between the viewer and the male figures within each artwork.

This dual narrative of "Immortal Lovers" invites the viewer into a complex, layered experience. On one level, it celebrates the visible interactions within the image, where flesh meets the unyielding texture of sculptures and paintings, creating a tableau that traverses time and form. The human and inanimate subjects, often depicted in tender, introspective moments, represent a union that transcends the ordinary constraints of reality and material.

On another, deeper level, the series plays with the concept of the 'male gaze', traditionally discussed in the context of men viewing representations of women, but here refocused in a contemplative manner. Each viewer, irrespective of their own identity, becomes an 'immortal lover' themselves, engaging in a silent, yet profound dialogue with the men depicted. This interaction is not passive; it's a dynamic and evolving relationship where each gaze, each moment spent in contemplation, forges a unique connection that bridges the gap between art and audience.

Through this interaction, Schooneman's work transcends the physical boundaries of the canvas, becoming a living, breathing entity. The viewer's gaze activates the inanimate, breathing life into stone, wood and paint, transforming observation into an act of silent communion. The men in these images, whether sculpted or painted, respond to this engagement, their stoic forms becoming dynamic through the viewer's interpretation and emotional response.

"Immortal Lovers" thus becomes a celebration of connection - between the depicted and the beholder, the animate and the inanimate, the tangible and the imagined. Limited to 25 prints per portrait, each measuring 18 x 22 inches, these masterpieces offer more than aesthetic pleasure; they are portals to a world where every look holds a story, every silence speaks volumes.

In an age where technology and artistry converge, "Immortal Lovers" stands as a testament to the incredible capabilities of modern creation. Each image in this series transcends traditional mediums like photography or painting, having been meticulously crafted through the use of advanced AI software and sophisticated digital editing tools. This innovative approach allows for a fusion of elements and textures that might otherwise be unattainable, giving life to the artist's vision with remarkable precision and depth. This marriage of technology and artistic vision not only enhances the visual impact of each piece but also adds a layer of contemporary relevance. It reflects a world where digital and human creativity intertwine, creating a new realm of artistic expression that resonates deeply with the modern viewer. The series, therefore, is not just a collection of images but a groundbreaking exploration of what is possible at the intersection of art, technology, and human emotion

Perfectly suited for any space valuing depth, beauty, and introspection, these gallery-grade prints do more than enhance a room; they invite the viewer into an ongoing narrative of love, perception, and the timeless dance between the viewer and the male figures within each artwork. To embark on this journey of discovery and connection, one may select a preferred image from the limited edition print catalogue below.